Yoga therapy

Our Yoga therapists can give them the space to empty that what they’re feeling that paves for the beginning of the whole journey towards that healing process. It is the process of understanding 30 percent about the body, the physiology, the physical structure and 70 percent about understanding the person’s mind.

We go through their thoughts, their difficulties, their challenges and what triggers them and what makes them happy So the mind is the culprit in Most of the illnesses.

 So, yoga therapy has to impact the mind and through the tools of yoga asanas to calm the mind:  pranayama to clear the mind, meditative practices that will help to focus the mind better, improve awareness will actually help us to look at your own problems better to take responsibility. We don’t say, if you have this problem do this asana, you know, that will heal the problem or cure the problem.

 Firstly, we understand how this problem is manifesting in your life and how is it impacting your mind, your daily routine, your relationships, work, your self-confidence and your sleep.

We suggest solution according to your problem, after the deep examination and getting better insights of your problem as it won’t be same for all.